Matthias-Christian Ott
2011-09-23 11:11:36 UTC
I have several hundred GiB of audio data which convert into DVD-Audio
discs for archival purposes.
As far as I understood, the no specification of DVD-Audio is public and
all understanding of it has been gained by reverse engineering. How
confident are you that DVDs created with dvda-author meet the
specification? What is your experience with compatibility of DVDs
created with dvda-author and low-cost DVD players? Do you think
DVD-Audio is suitable for archival purposes?
The audio data can be divided up in a handful of collections and
the individual recordings are named after the collection name and
sequence number within the collection. The initial plan after skimming
through ECMA-167 was to assign each collection the same volume set
identifier and an ascending volume sequence number. However, when
multiple recordings are on one disc, it would be good to further
ambiguate. In the examples on the website the audio files are named
like “ATS_01_1.AOB” etc., is this mandatory? Is there a way to
add further metadata?
I want to create a plain DVD-Audio without any menus, subtitles and
backgrounds, but with maximum compatibility. Form the man page it
seems that it's not possible to create a DVD-Audio with dvda-author
without menu. Is that correct? Has anyone a sample project file for
a “plain”/CD-like DVD-Audio?
discs for archival purposes.
As far as I understood, the no specification of DVD-Audio is public and
all understanding of it has been gained by reverse engineering. How
confident are you that DVDs created with dvda-author meet the
specification? What is your experience with compatibility of DVDs
created with dvda-author and low-cost DVD players? Do you think
DVD-Audio is suitable for archival purposes?
The audio data can be divided up in a handful of collections and
the individual recordings are named after the collection name and
sequence number within the collection. The initial plan after skimming
through ECMA-167 was to assign each collection the same volume set
identifier and an ascending volume sequence number. However, when
multiple recordings are on one disc, it would be good to further
ambiguate. In the examples on the website the audio files are named
like “ATS_01_1.AOB” etc., is this mandatory? Is there a way to
add further metadata?
I want to create a plain DVD-Audio without any menus, subtitles and
backgrounds, but with maximum compatibility. Form the man page it
seems that it's not possible to create a DVD-Audio with dvda-author
without menu. Is that correct? Has anyone a sample project file for
a “plain”/CD-like DVD-Audio?