[Dvd-audio-devel] dvda-author-08.12 to released
2008-12-02 21:16:12 UTC
a new major version is to be released very soon, with enhanced features:

- multichannel support, both for encoding and decoding DVD-Audio discs
- multiformat support, for most of audio file formats converted by SoX,
- enhanced autotools build system for *nix platforms.

Prior development features have been stabilized (audio/video-zone navigation, flac/ogg-flac support and the wav header repair utility).

This release has been somewhat delayed for tests and cross-platform adjustments.

Multichannel support has been achieved thanks to remarkable work by Lee and Tim Feldkamp.

Testers who can have an opportunity to build dvda-author under other OS than Windows, Linux or FreeBSD are welcomed to get in touch through this list.

The next step should be a Qt GUI.
Interested developers will be welcomed to join in.

Fabrice Nicol
2010-07-06 20:48:57 UTC
The Web page instructions for the GUI
contain the following lines

System settings are all session-specific variables,
which are collected by the Options dialog (see below).
Data settings are related to input-output variables
(like audio files or target output directory).
You can expand or collapse the data by pressing on
the +/- sign.
To display a project manager, you should first load
it by pressing on the Open project button .
The project manager window will automatically open
and all files initially listed in the project maker
tab widget (top right) will be displayed.
Should you like to save both session-specific system
settings and input/ouput data, create a .dvp project
file by pressing on the Save project button . An XML
file will be created with all necessary information.
To burn a disc, use the Burn button burn on the left
of the command zone.
You need to have an ISO image of the disc before
burning your DVD-Audio. If this is not the case,
a pop-up dialog will remind you of creating the ISO
file as required:

This does NOT make clear HOW to create an ISO
Since I have no idea how to create an ISO from the GUI
I don't know what to do.

Some of us who want to do this have NO experience


Also you say:
"You should have a recent dvda-author executable
installed in your PATH"
I don't know where the PATH recognized by the GUI
I put the DVDA-author program in one subdirectory
and the GUI in another beside it.
Is this wrong?
What am I supposed to do about PATHS?

This looks like wonderful software -
and the GUI seems clear -up to the poiont that
the files are listed.

But After that I can't use it untill these
questions are answered
- and hopwfully made clear in the
